A few years ago I was speaking at a marketing event.
Ironically I was speaking right before a billionaire, Bill Bartmann.

He was somewhat new to the “online marketing” game
and I was amazed at how open he was to suggestions about
what he should do with his website, his content and social media.

I remember thinking, “A BILLIONAIRE is asking ME for business advice”? LOL
I shared what were, at the time, best practices for online success and then
I asked Bill for some advice.

“What do I need to do to get closer to my billion dollar goal?

He smiled, and nodded thoughtfully.

“Ya know, Fran, I don’t think anybody’s ever asked me that?”

Then he looked me straight in the eye and said, “Most people don’t have the
courage to be THAT rich.”

And I never forgot that.

What Bill later shared was that most people are soooooo afraid of what
people are going to think or say about them if they DREAM THAT BIG,
that they never have the kind of breakthroughs they need to truly create
a legacy.

Now… you may not ever hit the billion dollar mark. You may not ever hit the
MILLION dollar mark but I have learned that if you’re not at least THINKING
about your goals — financial, fitness, educational or otherwise — that you’re
probably not going to reach them anytime soon.

If you’re wondering how you can start soaring like eagles

Have a great week,
